Meetings with the project partners
Project meetings
1. Meeting in Graz
The HIP project kick-off meeting took place in Graz from June 11 to 13.
On the first day, we discussed expectations, timeline, and results. We also identified the project's strengths and risks.
Furthermore, we mapped and presented existing knowledge about the digital education ecosystem. These are essential for identifying the project's success criteria.
The third day was dedicated to administrative issues. We discussed the partnership agreement, the project website, the calendar and the reporting. We also had an exciting tour to the library of the University of Graz.
Now we look forward to the next three years of the project implementation.

2. Meeting in Dublin
The HIP project team met in Dublin from December 4-6, 2022 to discuss the project's progress. On the first day, we reviewed the project timeline, key activities, and the project website.
On the second day, the Dean of Teaching and Learning, Prof. Monica Ward welcomed the project partners. All partners gave short presentations on their current progress. We discussed embracing alternative ideas in times of digital transformation.
Then, we shared the results of the literature report, which will help us choose the right tools to use in this project. We talked about what each university needs to do next. The DCU partners showed us around the campus, including their library and their Minecraft and Lego studios, where DCU hosts workshops for local schools. We ended the day with a tour of Dublin.

On the third day we continued our ideas about what can be learned from failure, and we discussed upcoming conferences in 2023. We also had two interesting presentations from colleagues at DCU, Dean of Strategic Learning Innovation, Dr. Blanaid White and Ms. Clare Gormley. They talked about hackathons, the DCU Futures project, and Challenge Based Learning at DCU.
3. Meeting in Aalborg
The third meeting of the HIP project was held at Aalborg University in Denmark from November 19 to 21. During this meeting, the project team met to review the project's progress. In addition, we discussed the upcoming interim report and made plans for the next phase of the project.
Each project partner presented their work. Eamon Costello spoke about the hackathon organized by Dublin City University, which was titled "Go Wild to Stay Well: Digital Learner Wellbeing in an AI Age." Meanwhile, Kathrin Otrel-Cass reflected on the activities carried out in the digital makerspace developed by the University of Graz team. Additionally, Niels Erik Ruan Lyngdorf presented the expert interviews on digital teaching and learning conducted by the Aalborg University team.
Furthermore, we shared our ideas for the MOOC, the digital story, and the guidelines for hacker pedagogy that will be developed in the next phase. We also discussed the project's focus on well-being and care in digital teaching and learning in higher education. Specifically, we examined whether and how care should be evaluated.

The partners from Aalborg University organized an interesting presentation about PBL (Problem Based Learning) which was conducted by the Center for Digitally Supported Learning. This presentation covered both the teaching philosophy and the practice at Aalborg University. dditionally, we were given a tour of the campus, which demonstrated how the university's emphasis on teamwork is reflected in its design. For example, we were impressed by some of the university's architecture and the well-equipped video lab and X-Lab (a physical, educational makerspace). The project meeting was very inspiring with a lot of exchange of ideas and resources that will find their way into the project.

4. Meeting in Dublin
During our HIP meeting in Dublin from October 31- November 1, we focused on progress updates, toolkit development, dissemination strategies, and planning for upcoming (multiplier) events.
Each project team shared updates on the results they have been working on.
These results included for example: a rubric for teacher self-assessment (University of Graz), a pedagogical framework for the HIP project, as well as the development of a toolkit for workshops (Aalborg University), and the development of a MOOC course (Dublin City University).
We are currently preparing for the upcoming multiplier events, which will take place between November 2024 and February 2025.

Upcoming meeting: April 24-25 in Graz