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Makerspace Kick-Off Event: 30th October, 2023 at 5pm.

Be part of our digital community and participate in our Makerspace event. Over the period of three weeks, you will be part of a small team to solve one task of your choice on educational innovation. Our 20-minute-long kick-off event will take place via Zoom and all interested digital creators are welcome. After a brief introduction to our project, we will be available for your questions. Don’t worry if you cannot participate in the kick-off event, we will record our presentation and the video will be sent to everyone.

Do you want to participate? Then register online via email: melanie.guerentz(at)uni-graz.at , subject: Makerspace event.
Registration deadline: 26th October 2023


Mach mit bei unserem Makerspace Event und sei Teil einer digitalen Gemeinschaft, die in einem Zeitraum von drei Wochen online Aufgaben innovativ löst. Das 20-minütige Kick-Off Event für unseren Makerspace findet online über Zoom/Webex statt und alle Interessenten, die nach einer kreativen Herausforderung suchen, sind herzlich willkommen. Nach einer kurzen allgemeinen Vorstellung des Projekts, ist auch noch genug Zeit, um Fragen zu stellen.

Du willst dabei sein? Dann melde dich gleich per email an: melanie.guerentz(at)uni-graz.at, Betreff: Makerspace event.
Die Anmeldefrist endet am 26. Oktober 2023


TPM2: Meeting in Dublin, 4th -6th December, 2022

The second meeting of the HIP project took place at Dublin City University, Dublin Ireland.

The project team of HIP met in Dublin from 4th -6th December, 2022 to discuss and evaluate the project's progress. On the first day, we reviewed the project timeline and key activities as well as the project website. On day two, we were welcomed by the Dean for Teaching and Learning, Prof Monica Ward. All partners gave short presentations about their current progress. We discussed the importance to focus on alternative ideas if we want to embrace the ideas of rewilding and reimagining teaching and learning in times of digital transformation. We shared outcomes from literature syntheses that will help us also to identify different research tools to investigate and co-create in this project. Upcoming tasks for each university were then discussed. The partners from DCU gave us a tour of the campus which included their impressive library and their Minecraft and Lego studios, where DCU hosts workshops for local schools. We finished the day with a short tour through the city of Dublin. On day three we continued our ideas on what can be learned from failure, we discussed conference activities in 2023 and had two interesting presentations from colleagues at DCU, Dean of Strategic Learning Innovation Dr Blanaid White and Ms Clare Gormley, who spoke about hackathons, the DCU Futures project and Challenge Based Learning at DCU.


TPM1: Project initiation meeting in Graz

The project initiation meeting for HIP took place in Graz on the 11th – 13th June, 2022. During the first day, the partners discussed the project expectations, timeline, and forthcoming results, the project strengths and possible risks were identified. Furthermore, the existing insights on digital education ecosystem were mapped and presented, which are essential for identifying the success criteria of the project. On the third day, the administrative issues were considered. We dealt with the partnership agreement, the project website, calendar and reporting. We also had an exciting tour to the library of the Uni Graz.

Now we are looking forward to working together during the project implementation next 3 years.


Project Assistant

BA. Mag.phil. MA.

Melanie Gürentz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8032

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