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Results and Materials

RESULT 1: The Hacking Innovative Pedagogies (HIP) Synthesis Report

In this report we asked ourselves, how we can build and improve digital capacity and digital readiness in higher education. This commented atlas of digital ecosystems guides through rewilding education, techno-feminism and ecologies of care by hacking innovative pedagogies.

RESULT 2: The Hacking Innovative Pedagogies (HIP) Framework

The HIP framework aims to guide higher education (HE) teachers and researchers to reconsider and reflect on how to rethink HE pedagogy in new and different ways. It incorporates the spirit of rewilding and hacking pedagogies to inspire new professional communities focused on innovating digital education. The framework considers and guides the development of teachers’ digital pedagogy competences through an inclusive bottom-up approach that gives space for individual teacher’s agency while also ensuring a collective teaching culture.

Project presentation at ECER Conference 2023 in Glasgow (European Conference of Education Research)

ECER Conference in Glasgow with the theme "The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research". The presentation with the title "The Age of Technology in Education" on 23.08.2023 by Kathrin Otrel-Cass, Iris Mendel, Michael Reicho, Olena Beskorsa & Eamon Costello involved an audience discussion about the HIP atlas.

Poster presentation at EDEN Digital Learning Europe Conference 2024 (Austria)

Conference European Distance and E-Learning Network

EDEN 2024 Annual Conference takes place at University of Graz, Austria, 16-18 June 2024. The conference theme is “Learning in the Age of AI: Towards Imaginative Futures”.

Here you can find the poster and the three comics of our EDEN presentation in June 2024.

- HIP - Poster - EDEN Conference
- 1. Comic: Making of the Makerspace
- 2. Comic: (Non)Ideal Self
- 3. Comic: The Spy

RESULT 3: HIP - Digital Stories

In this report we present three digital stories that were created over a timespan of three weeks in the makerspace. Students, digital experts and teachers from different countries worked collaboratively on given challenges. 

Hacking Innovative Pedagogies (HIP): Digital Stories


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Project Assistant

BA. Mag.phil. MA.

Melanie Gürentz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8032

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