This project will improve digital capacity and build digital readiness of the project partner institutions (and beyond) by using radically different and transformative modes of interactions and activities. Outcomes of this project will be shared through OERs that strategically build on and connect to existing resources produced by the EC and others.
Our aim is to “rewild” higher education, focusing on just and fair pedagogies through the use of bottom up selected digital tools. We will apply sustainable and responsive principles to identify individuals and share practices and products with each other and the European university community. By “rewilding” higher education pedagogy we understand the rediscovery of ways that support the complexity of human learning, that take note of inequalities generated through human/digital technology relationships, with the overall aim to reduce the negative impacts of industry driven digital environment building. This means that we want to return to the nested ingenuities the communities of teachers and students carry with them, set up systems and opportunities that support the experimenting, creating and sharing of digi-tech solutions that are not necessarily mainstream but responsive to the teaching and learning of different communities, responding to disciplinary needs, diversity of learners and focusses on just access to education. Rewilding institutional infrastructure through digital enhancements is a response to education being both a cause of unsustainable human activity, while also providing the transformative potential for more sustainable ways of life.
We will challenge conventional thinking on digital pedagogies and rewild university so teachers apply principles that are informed by a diversity-minded eco-logic that supports complex human learning within the human/human/technology relationship. To support sustainable societal living we need to support all teachers in new ways so they can enable learners of all ages and backgrounds to confront and stay with difficult problems. We will achieve this ambition to rewild university teaching by challenging and disrupting conventional ways to think about professional development for European University teachers in a post-COVID period utilising a “Hacker Pedagogy” approach. By “Hacker” Pedagogy we mean transformative pedagogical approaches that emphasise inclusive ways to enable “change through agency” in teacher professionalism and democratisation of pedagogical knowledge production. Key is that teachers are tasked to incorporate diversity and inclusion strategies in their novel solutions. Adopting a hacker mentality targets teachers who are curious how to use digital networks in new ways while reconfiguring the entanglements of the online with the physical learning spaces and being mindful how to respond to the needs of individual teachers and learners. Hacking existing university pedagogies is about finding weaknesses, make and create solutions with existing resources, and to collaborate with others. In post-COVID-19 times this becomes ever more so relevant since we have all experienced the need to re-imagine University teaching and adopt almost over night to new digital environments, which is not simply solved by resorting to utilising new digital tools but requires competences to adapt pedagogies to new contexts and learner needs.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.